Category Archives: Skin Treatment

Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal is an innovative technique that allows permanent tattoos to be removed from the skin. For the success of the treatment, it is advisable to contact centers that have the latest alexandrite laser or neodymium-YAG laser technology, and know what level of power to use to eliminate the colors that make it up. The laser technique allows the removal of the tattoo because it fragments the pigments that will later be eliminated by the macrophages, the blood cells that metabolize these particles.

Why is it done?

Permanent tattoos can become deformed with the aging of the skin, lose their initial appearance or simply stop being liked by those who wear them, so they look for a way to erase them from their skin without leaving a trace. Today, those who regret a tattoo can go back to the tattoo artist to have it changed or go to a specialized dermatologist or aesthetic doctor for complete removal using laser technology.

What does it consist of?

Tattoo removal is performed using laser photoacoustic technology, which breaks up the ink pigments on the skin into powder. Over time, the body metabolizes these particles and removes them through the lymphatic system.

Normally this removal takes about 8 weeks, although it is a very variable time depending on the type of tattoo, its size, colors used and the area in which it is located.

Preparation for laser tattoo removal

When you decide to remove a tattoo that you are no longer satisfied with, you need to consider a few factors that can affect the outcome of the treatment. First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the size of the tattoo, the depth of the pigment and the colors that make it up: blue and black are the easiest colors to remove, while white and yellow are almost impossible to remove.

The date of completion is another influential factor: the older the tattoo, the easier it will be to remove it, since it has been partially attacked by macrophages. Also, if the patient undergoing treatment has olive or black skin, there is a risk of altering the natural pigmentation of the skin, making removal problematic. Finally, the time of year in which you choose to erase your “mark” should also be evaluated. Winter is the most suitable period to remove a tattoo since, in the months after treatment, you cannot expose the treated skin to sunlight.

In addition, sunbathing or UVA sessions should be avoided up to 10 days before the session.

Care after the intervention

After each session, an antibiotic cream and a patch are applied to the treated area, so that the patient can go about their daily lives safely. Thus, the patient can return to their normal activity after the session and should avoid sun exposure in the treated area during the months after the laser treatment.

It is also advisable to treat the skin after the sessions: it will turn red and the patient may feel itching or pain in the area. It can be applied cold to reduce discomfort and swelling in the area, as well as a specific ointment and skin regenerating cream will be recommended. You should also avoid rough sponges and towels during the shower and wash the area with a neutral soap.

Alternatives to this treatment

Currently, laser technology is the most advanced and used treatment for tattoo removal, due to its optimal results with minimal invasion.


What is vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a long-term skin condition in which white patches appear. It originates when there is a lack of melanin (pigment that gives color to the skin).

Vitiligo usually appears in the following areas of the body:

  • Expensive
  • Neck
  • Hands
  • Mouth (outside and inside)
  • Eyes
  • Fingers
  • dolls
  • armpits
  • Groin
  • Genitals

However, this condition can arise in any area of ​​the skin.

​What are the causes of vitiligo?

Vitiligo is caused by a lack of melanin in the skin. Melanin is produced in skin cells known as melanocytes, and they are what give skin its color.

Vitiligo arises because there are not enough melanocytes producing melanin in the skin. This generates the appearance of white spots on the skin or hair. There is no consensus on why the melanocytes disappear and cause vitiligo.

Some factors that can influence or trigger the appearance of vitiligo are:

  • Failures in the immune system (autoimmune disease)
  • Family history of vitiligo or autoimmune diseases
  • Stress
  • Skin damage (burns or cuts)
  • Contact with certain chemicals

​Is vitiligo contagious?

No, vitiligo is an internal alteration in the functioning of skin cells. It is not caused by a virus and therefore is not contagious.

​Can vitiligo be prevented?

There is no way to know the exact cause of why vitiligo originates and therefore there are no methods to prevent its appearance.

Types of vitiligo

There are different types of vitiligo according to their characteristics:

  • Generalized: appears in various places on the body.
  • Segmented: appears on one side of the body or in a specific area.
  • Mucosal: affects the mucous membranes of the mouth and/or genitals.
  • Focal: it is located in a small area.
  • Trichome – has a white or colorless center, an area of ​​light pigmentation, and an area of ​​normal colored skin.
  • Universal: More than 80% of the skin on the body has no pigment.

Treatment for vitiligo

An evaluation consultation is necessary to determine the appropriate vitiligo treatment for your particular case. The consultation consists of a professional diagnosis by a dermatologist, and medical treatment, medication and home care are recommended.


Acne Scar

Acne is the most common reason for a visit to a Dermatologist. Despite a variety of creams and antibiotics, acne scar tend to persist. Whereas acne is temporary, scars are permanent
There are different types of scars caused by acne.

They Can Be Classified As Follows:

  • Ice pick scars Deep pits which are the most common type and a classic sign of acne scarring.
  • Box car scars Angular scars that usually occur on the temple and cheeks, and can be either superficial or deep.
  • Rolling scarsthat give the skin a wave-like appearance.

The best approach is prevention and treatment of acne at an early stage to minimize the risk of permanent acne scar. In order to get rid of, or minimize acne scarring, acombination of treatments provides the best results.
At Bansal Skin & Smile Clinic we offer a range of treatments for acne & acne scar including

  • Chemical Peels
  • Subcision
  • Derma Roller
  • Fractional Laser

Often a combination of these treatments provides the best solution.


Dr Pradeep Bansal is the one who personally administers Botox injections in Zaragoza to her patients. Although the Botox treatment is a 15-minute treatment and seems simple compared to any cosmetic surgery such as rhinoplasty, the Botox injection must be applied in a correct, effective and above all safe way, and this requires training and experience.

Despite the fact that Botox is a minimally invasive treatment, the Bansal’s clinic considers that the patient should receive totally personalized attention and care as in any other cosmetic surgery. It must be taken into account that the face has 43 individual muscles, and it will be of vital importance for the treatment and for optimal and longer-lasting results that the person in charge of administering the treatment in our clinic in Shalimar Bagh knows which is the most appropriate.


Most women who apply Botox try to alleviate the signs of aging and wrinkles.

  • Periorbital wrinkles or Crow’s feet.
  • Frown lines or glabellar wrinkles.
  • Front wrinkles.
  • Wrinkles lip and mouth corners.
  • Vertical neck bands.

What should we know about Botox?

Botulism is the disease caused by the toxin generated by a bacterium, Clostridium Botulinum, which does not need oxygen to proliferate and develops in certain foods stored in cans in poor conditions.

Botox is not an active poison, it is a protein that weakens and inactivates the muscles and that contains this toxin in its composition. Therefore, what we achieve with Botox is similar to muscle paralysis, but in a controlled manner.

Botox® for cosmetic applications is used in small amounts (30-70 U.), which gives it a high safety margin if we consider that to achieve toxic effects, more than 2,000 units would have to be injected at one time. After the muscle has been injected, its effect is not noticeable until 15 days have passed. Keep in mind that about 60 units are needed for a facial wrinkle treatment, very low levels compared to those that can actually cause intoxication.

The effects of Botox® only affect the muscle, and it does not affect the central nervous system or any other part of the body in any way, even if it is accidentally injected into a nerve or blood vessel.

The safety of Botox is complete, because in addition the mobility of the muscle is completely recovered over time, it does not have side effects in this sense.

We tell you the differences between Botox and dermal fillers and how long the effects of Botox last, whether Botox is dangerous or not, the most frequent doubts about Botox, treating aging with Botox and Botox for men

When you have to do without Botox.

Although we are talking about a temporary treatment that does not involve serious side effects, it is true that some contraindications that it can cause must be taken into account, so:

Pregnant patients should not be treated with this medication, since although no problems have been noted in the fetus, attempts are made not to use this type of treatment during this period. Likewise, and due to policies of the American Society, Botox is not injected in patients who are breastfeeding.

Patients with a history of neuromuscular disease (multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis) or other diseases related to nerve transmission cannot be treated with Botox.


The following questions and answers will give you an idea of ​​the most common concerns of Botox patients.


Botox is the common name of the so-called botulinum toxin, a neurotoxin that is used for medical purposes to treat neurological diseases and in aesthetic medicine. Its best-known application is to eliminate facial wrinkles, offering many advantages: · It does not require surgery. · Can be applied at any time. · Its effects are immediate. · It is painless. · Very rarely produces side effects.


The most common is to use botox in the area of ​​the face known as the upper third, mainly between the eyebrows. Eliminate expression wrinkles that make us look tired or angry.


Some redness and slight swelling may appear at first, but this usually goes away. After 24 hours, its effect begins to be noticed, but you have to wait about 4 days for the protein to have its effect at the level of the neuromuscular junction.


It will depend, the first sessions around 5 months, later if the application dates are respected, from 6 to 8 months.


Yes, since by relaxing the facial muscles, wrinkles resulting from facial expression are prevented from becoming more marked.


It is not usually necessary. With an anesthetic ointment or cold to reduce the discomfort of the puncture is enough. In fact, it is a treatment that is done in Dr. Pradeep Bansal’s own clinic, after the treatment you can go home normally and continue with your usual routine. You can also go to work and there are usually no side effects, maybe a minimal initial bruise, but you can easily apply makeup. When you get home, it is advisable not to massage the treated area, you can put a little ice on it or apply some ointment that the doctor recommends, there is no problem wearing makeup either.


Wait 24 hours as a precaution to expose yourself to the sun directly and then you will not have a problem, but use sun protection according to your skin type so as not to punish your face excessively.


Yes, in fact it is done in many facial treatments in order to achieve better results, several treatments are done in one to optimize interventions.

Injection lipolysis

Removal of stubborn ‘difficult to melt’ fat in areas such as Chin (Double Chin), Flanks (Love Handles), Thiess, Buttocks etc.

It involves injection of medicines once in every three weeks in the area concerned, total of 5-7 sessions. Totally safe procedure with minimum down time


Microinjections or Vitamins & Hyauronic acid are given on the face to take away Dullness &Loosness of skin, to give a good Glowy, Tight and even Toned Skin.

Hyaluronic acid plays an important role in tissues smoothness, softening and decreasing wrinkles.

Session are done every 7-10 days,for a total 4 session. Maintenance sessions are painless with no side effects.


SKIN POLISHING, TIGHTENING & BRIGHTENING(MICRODERMABRASION) Microdermabrasion is a simple, straight forward, non-invasive procedure that revitalizes dull skin, reduces large pores, erases fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, reduces mild pigment irregularities (hyperpigmentation), stretch marks and age spots. Most importantly, it allows you to get back to your daily routine immediately after treatment.

Microdermabrasion is a skin resurfacing treatment that works by gently abrading the top layer of the skin with the help of micro aluminium oxide crystals or diamond tipped wand, leaving a new, fresh layer underneath. It is a non-invasive, non-surgical cosmetic procedure. Actual results, however, depend on prior medical conditions, your skin’s ability to recover and on who performed the procedure. It is not effective on severe skin imperfections because microdermabrasion cannot reach deeper layers of skin. Microdermabrasion can, however, get rid of superficial acne scars and red marks. Microdermabrasion is a safe alternative to chemical peels & laser rejuvenation for acne scars & fine lines.


  • It is the least invasive dermatological procedure (compared to dermabrasion and laser resurfacing)
  • It is more affordable than cosmetic surgery.
  • Micro derma abrasion is painless.
  • It has the fewest side effects and it is effective on all skin types and colors.
  • It helps your skin look younger, healthy, glowing and for some people, close to perfect.


  • For superficial lesion – 6 siting at 1-2 week interval
  • For deep lesions – 15-20 siting at 2-3 week interval

warts & skin tag removal

At Bansal Skin & Smile Clinic, we remove all type of wart & skin tag.
Warts are considered unsightly in virtually all cultures. Misconceptions about warts abound, but the facts concerning warts are relatively simple.

  • Warts are caused by HPV or the Human Papilloma Virus.
  • More than 70 types of the HP virus have been identified.
  • 8-10 percent of the population have warts
  • Women are more likely to have warts than men.
  • Children are more likely to have warts than adults
  • The most common are; common, plantar, flat, genital, cervical and laryngeal.
  • Warts are contagious.
  • There has been a dramatic rise in the incidents of genital warts
  • Mothers can give their newborn children genital warts in the birth canal.
  • Only humans have HPV. Animals carry other types of virus.
  • The incubation period for the wart virus can be from 2 weeks to several months making it difficult to determine where it came from.
  • The more warts a person has the more infectious they become,
  • Warts can be successfully removed.
  • Genital warts can be prevented.

Common warts are clusters of effected cells. Most are round and raise above the skins surface. Once a person has contacted warts, generally more are introduced to other sites on the body accidentally or unconsciously by scratching or abraising the wart then introducing it to another site on the body. This process is called ‘autoinoculation’. Common warts posses little potential for health problems unless they bleed, change color or shape. Most are removed for cosmetic purposes or because location on the body cause irritation due to rubbing on clothing, etc.

Plantar warts are confined to bottoms of the feet. They are generally flat due to being pushed upward into the foot by the body’s weight. They are frequently very painful. Plantar warts are very contagious due to the cells being sloughed off at a rate higher than any other wart and the virus remains stable in a favorable environment such as; a warm, wet gym shower floor. Many athletes contact plantar warts in a similar fashion as they contact athletes foot ( a fungal disorder) Plantar warts are often confused with bunions. Diabetic patients have a high incidence of plantar warts and athletes have the highest incidence.

Genital warts are confined to the genital area; vagina, anus, penis and scrotum. They are growths or bumps of the skin. They may be raised or flat, single or multiple, small or large, They might be clumped together forming a cauliflower-like shape. Occasionally they are virtually invisible to the naked eye. The HPV virus can also live on the surface of the skin without causing a wart. This is known as a ‘subclinical’ HPV infection.

HPV and genital warts are usually spread by skin-to-skin contact during vaginal, anal or oral sex with someone with the virus. Warts on the hands, etc that contact pubic areas DO NOT spread the genital virus.

Warts appear from several weeks to several months after contact. The long incubation period makes it difficult to know when and from whom you get the virus.

It may be difficult to know that you have the warts if they are inside the vagina, on the cervix or in the anus. Rarely do they cause itching or bleeding. An abnormal pap smear might be the first warning that genital warts are present. It is prudent to see your health care provider if;

  • You notice any unusual growths, bumps or changes to the skin in or around the genital area.
  • You notice any unusual pain, itching or bleeding; or
  • Your sex partner(s) tells you that he or she has genital warts

Skin tag:
A small tag of skin that may have a stalk (a peduncle). Skin tags may appear on the skin almost anywhere although the favorite locales are the eyelids, neck, armpits (axillae), upper chest, and groin. Skin tags are almost always benign Skin tags are predisposed by heredity. That is, if a persons parents have skin tags, there is a high likelihood that the children will also have skin tags. Women are more likely to have skin tags then men. Skin tags, generally appear during middle age.

Although newly born children occasionally will have skin tags. Excess weight is thought to be a factor in the development of skin tags Medically, a skin tag can be termed an acrochordon or a cutaneous papilloma. But it is far better known as a skin tag.

PRP Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy in Hair Restoration – PRP Therapy PRP (PRP) therapy is an exciting new non-surgical therapeutic option for natural hair growth and stimulation. Scientific research and technology has given the medical community new understandings of wound and tissue healing. As a result of this new knowledge we have a better understanding of cellular growth and repair. Mesenchymal stem cells and autologous blood products are examples of how essential and specific growth factors can assist in tissue regeneration and healing. At Bansal Skin & Smile Clinic we offer PRP therapy as an innovative scientifically based natural non-surgical hair restoration therapy.

PRP is not meant to replace current FDA approved therapies such as DHT blockers and Minoxidil, but it is a promising non-surgical therapeutic option for those patients with hair loss.


Blood is drawn in our office as though you are having routine blood testing at your primary care physician’s office. The blood is spun in a centrifuge and the PRP is separated and removed from the rest of the blood.

The PRP is taken from your body and is specially prepared by spinning down the blood cells to a high concentration. After centrifugation, the platelets and other vital growth proteins raise to the top of the tube. Under a topical anesthesia, a special micro needling roller device used to stimulate the dermis of the scalp. This micro needling stimulation causes microtrauma to the dermis that induces other healing and growth repair cells into action. The highly concentrated platelet rich plasma (PRP) is injected into the scalp and topically, as the roller creates tiny wound. The PRP contains many growth factors that stimulate the hair follicle’s growth. PRP can be used preoperatively, intraoperatively, or post operatively. Some patient’s chose to have PRP performed every six (6) months as early data suggests regular or semiannual PRP treatments can stimulate hair growth.


PRP contains special cells called Platelets, that can cause growth of the hair follicles by theoretically stimulating the stem cells located in the Dermal Papilla as well as other structures of the hair follicle These special Platelet cells promotes healing, accelerates the rate and degree of tissue healing and regeneration, response of the body to injury, and formation of new cellular growth. The primary purpose of using PRP in hair restoration is to stimulate inactive or newly implanted hair follicles into an active growth phase.
Inside the Platelets are many intracellular structures such as glycogen, lysosomes and alpha granules. These granules within the PRP contain clotting and growth factors that are eventually released during the healing and repair process.
PRP specific cells that causes hair growth include:

  • Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF)—promotes blood vessel growth, cell replication, skin formation;
  • Transforming Growth-Factor-Beta (TGF-b)—promotes growth of matrix between cells, bone metabolism;
  • Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)—promotes blood vessel formation;
  • Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)—promotes cell growth and differentiation, blood vessel formation, collagen formation;
  • Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2)—promotes growth of specialized cells and blood vessel formation; and,
  • Insulin Like Growth Factor – (IGF)—a regulator of normal physiology in nearly every type of cell in the body.